Monday, December 15, 2008

Class Jacket Designs

Hi everyone,

Yes... so going by the majority vote (12 YES-es!!) for the class jacket, so we're gg to have a class jacket (most likely). Yep. So the designs are here. You can give your feedback once again.

The jackets are just a "TEST" design, so when a majority vote has been reached, it will be further improved.

Design ONE: Flower stripes at the side

Design TWO: Names all over, but this will DEFINITELY be further refined.

Design THREE: Barcode saying "sexyscixers"

Design FOUR: Handprint

Design FIVE: Polka dots concentrated on the centre

Design SIX: Polka dots

Design SEVEN: Plain design on the front - would definitely be cheaper

Ok, now that you've seen all the class jackets, do give your vote... :)

ONCE AGAIN, DO VOTE! Cus doing everything else (printing, collection etc) takes time! And I think Yiming's working on the tees still :)

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