Saturday, February 7, 2009

Hi all,

Do bring $15 for class tee-shirt on Monday. Hopefully you'll get it by next week, cos someone will be going down to collect.

Xiexie ni (thankew)!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

CIP Opportunity

Hello 2SC6!
I have lobang for some self-initiated CIP Opportunities for those interested
My belief is that since we have to do CIP, we had better do fun and meaningful CIP!!

There are 3 separate sporting events coming up.
You can sign up for 1 event, or all 3 events. Up to you. Any events you want.

22 Feb – Aquathlon (swim run)
15 March – Duathlon (bike run)
19 April – Triathelon (Swim Bike Run)

Benefits of Volunteering:
Free event T-Shirt
CIP Hours
Packet Lunch
Transport to (and most probably fro)

Roles Available:
Water Pourer – Provide refreshments to Race Participants along the route
Road Marshall – Direct the Race Participants where to go
(Most probably)
People giving out goodies – At the end of the race / Before the race starts

Dates of training:
None. Just be present for the event day. Non-commital.
Most probably just 1 briefing before the race day

I am signing up as a Volunteer for the Triathlon Only.
Ppl interested so far are Zhi Jian And Yong Lit (I was surprised! That’s why im opening it up to the class)

If you are interested, here is the application form

Fill in 1 form per event. i.e, 2 events = 2 forms.

Fill it in and email the completed form to me by Wednesday Night, 4 Feb, 8.30pm . Also, in the email (not on the form), tell me the dates you are going/events you are signing up for.

My friend is the one who is getting me in, so if you guys are signing up, we will be under him. He is from SP and will be handling all the admin matters for us :D

More information on the events at:
